Category Archives: e3 2013

The Power Of The GameSparked E3 Extravaganza Podcast

The GameSparked Team

The GameSparked Team have gathered together using the infinite power of the cloud to talk about E3. Mat, Myles and Joe deliver unparalleled experiences of discussing the Microsoft, Ubisoft, EA, and Sony press conferences, as well as the E3 Nintendo Direct. With this next evolution of podcasting, they go in-depth on revolutionary new games such as Metal Gear Solid V, Sunset Overdrive, The Crew, D4, and of course, the much anticipated Peggle 2. Using the raw power of chatting about the successes and failures of each conference, The GameSparked Team has put together a truly next-level podcast. All this, and much more, on the E3 2013 episode of The GameSparked Podcast!

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