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[NEWS] Saints Row IV Is A Game That Exists

Mat Paget

UPDATE: Kotaku reported story details via a press release. You can check them out right below this.

In the next open-world installment of Saints Row, Deep Silver Volition continues the story of the Third Street Saints by elevating their status to the highest level – the leaders of the free world. In Saints Row IV, the head honcho of the Saints has been elected to the Presidency of the United States. But the Saints are just getting started. Now the larger-than-life insanity of the Saints series gets a new twist with a catastrophic alien invasion, and the aliens have transported the Saints to a bizarro-Steelport simulation. Wield gargantuan superpowers and fight to free humanity from alien granddaddy Zinyak’s mental grasp. Escape the simulation that’s trapped the Saints crew, or die trying.

Saints Row IV lets players delve into an arsenal of alien weaponry and technology that will turn each Saint into an ultimate entity of destruction. Utilize out-of-this-world superpowers to fight all the way to the top. With intensified action and enhanced customization, players can use their newfound superpowers and leap over buildings, outrun the fastest sports cars, or send enemies flying with telekinesis in the greatest, most insane installment of Saints Row yet.

Save the world, Saints Style.

There isn’t much to say other than there’s a new Saints Row game. It will be coming to the current generation of consoles, as well as PC, and you’ll be able to play it on August 20. For now, watch the trailer below and get ridiculously excited. It doesn’t look too different from the last game in the Saints Row franchise, but it definitely looks just as crazy. Personally, Saints Row: The Third is one of my favourites of this generation, and I can’t wait for the next instalment. Also, this will be Volition’s first game published by Deep Silver — I’m excited to see how this whole affair goes.

Time to repeat myself: Saints Row IV will be made available on August 20 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.