Category Archives: killzone

Mat Is Okay With The PlayStation 4… So Far

Mat Paget

As someone who was losing more and more hope for PlayStation this past year or so, I have to be honest and say that I am thoroughly impressed by what I saw on Wednesday night. Before then, I couldn’t think of what the next-generation could possibly bring. After seeing the various faces explain what this console can do, and is capable of, I have to say that I am more than excited to usher in the next-generation of consoles — barring that it all works. Sony’s track record for touting features and then having them work, or even existent, hasn’t been fantastic. Saying that, I do have a few that I am exceptionally hopeful for.

For example, the feature I am most excited for would have to be the ability to jump into demos immediately upon selecting the “Try It Now” option on a certain game. I enjoy playing demos, but I’m often put off when seeing a sometimes-astronomical file size. The feature I am most skeptical of, however, is the Remote Play — it’s never worked as advertised from Sony, so I can’t help but be a little doubtful. Also, being able to put the PS4 into sleep mode, then pick it up later and go back to exactly where you left it, in-game or out, is the feature I am dying to have now.

Watch_Dogs continues to look great

Moving onto the games that were shown, I wasn’t as impressed. There were a few games that definitely seemed interesting, but there wasn’t really that much gameplay shown at all. Watch_Dogs continues to look really great, but it’s also coming to the PlayStation 3 — I’ll be interested to see what the differences between the two versions are, if there’s anything more than better physics and a higher graphical fidelity. I also think it’s pretty great for the console that The Witness is a PS4-exclusive — for now, of course. Other than those two, I’m definitely interested to see another inFAMOUS, even if I would have preferred they continue Cole’s story (yes, I have finished inFAMOUS 2).

I do want to say something about Killzone: Shadow Fall, though. When it comes to first-person shooters for me, the setting matters a lot; it can readily determine whether or not I can spend a significant time with the game. One of the things about Killzone that has always put me off are the rather ‘blah’ settings. With the way Shadow Fall looked in the gameplay they presented, I was actually pretty into the world the firefights took place in. I’m not saying I’m excited for it, but I am willing to give it a chance due to, what looks like, a radically new setting.

To finish things off, I actually really like the way the controller looks. Of course, I haven’t actually held it yet, but it looks bigger and that’s the problem I’ve had with the DualShock 3 this past generation. Also, the new analog sticks look very much improved. In all honesty, the only thing I need to know is what the triggers feel like. If everything feels as good as it looks, then I’ll be happy.

I didn’t mention a lot of what was shown in the conference on Wednesday, but that’s mostly because I simply don’t care, or can’t really add anything of value. Saying that, I do want to note that this write-up featured a fair bit of optimism — the features may not even work in the same way they were presented to us (or at all, actually). However, the way it was shown, and the actual stuff being shown, seemed like it was coming from a brand new PlayStation. A PlayStation that I’m cautious about, yet okay with looking forward to. And I honestly think that the price won’t be as exorbitant as the PlayStation 3’s. Now let’s hope the Vita gets better now, eh?

This guy is about to get a knife in the throat.

Watch the Entirety of the PlayStation 4 Reveal

The GameSparked Team

If you missed the reveal of the PlayStation 4, then you’re in luck if you want to check out the next-generation. Of course, you could read our article right here, but if you’re more a watching type of person, then you can click on the video below.