Category Archives: stick

Fast & Free: Stretching, Stealth, and Sticks

Mat Paget

Welcome to another edition of Fast & Free! Great browser games are few and far between, but throughout my life, I’ve stumbled across a few true gems. These are just a few of those games that are both fast and free.

Fault Line

Fault Line has one of the most interesting mechanics I’ve seen in a Flash-based browser game. It doesn’t seem to have a story, but I get strong Portal vibes. Puzzler fans will have a heyday with this one.

The Classroom

I first played The Classroom back when I was a kid. It’s a classic game about cheating on your test in school. It starts off pretty simple, with the “nerd” sitting beside you, but then he starts moving seats. If that wasn’t enough, some hilarious events start to occur; each and every day, more and more people are breaking under the stress of exams. It’s a unique take on stealth, and anyone should be able to enjoy it.

StickRPG Complete

I’ve played StickRPG too many times to count. I played each version that was released, and never got tired of it. It’s a fairly simple RPG with not a whole lot to do, but damn it if it’s not addicting. You get a job, go to school, work out, buy stuff, gamble, and get into bar fights. It’s really just best if you play it, and find out the rest for yourself. Now, go enjoy it as much as I have over the years.