Category Archives: killzone 3

[NEWS] Killzone 3’s Multiplayer Being Released as a Free Standalone Client

Nate Andrews

If you’ve had reservations about Killzone 3’s multiplayer for whatever reason, you’ll be able to download it for free starting next week.

Yesterday, it was announced on the Killzone 3 website that a level-capped version of the game’s online component with the modes Warzone, Guerrilla Warfare and Operations will become a free downloadable client on the PlayStation store. Specifically, players will be able to reach the rank of Sergeant 1 and will have to pay $15 in order to progress further and have the ability to create clans and custom matches as well as the chance to earn trophies.

Oh, and this free download gives players access to every map in the game, including DLC. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal.