Category Archives: little sister

[NEWS] BioShock: Ultimate Rapture Edition is Coming This Month

Mat Paget

BioShock Infinite is coming out in March, and if you haven’t played its predecessors, then you’ll be able to do so in one neat, convenient package later this month.

Thanks to GameSpot, we know that the BioShock: Ultimate Rapture Edition will be priced at $30 and include BioShock, BioShock 2, and a bunch of the downloadable content for each game. The collection will also include “Museum of Orphaned Concepts,” which will show off a slew of concept art and character models that were “orphaned” during development of the series.

Downloadable content that will be made available in this pack will include the Plasmids Pack and Challenge Rooms Pack for the original BioShock, while BioShock 2 will come paired with Sinclair Solutions Tester, Rapture Metro, The Protector Trials, and Minerva’s Den — because without Minerva’s Den, what point would there even be?

You’ll be able to pick up the BioShock: Ultimate Rapture Edition for the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 on January 14.