Category Archives: mechs

AirMech — If Transformers met StarCraft

Nick Mucciarone

Robots seamlessly transforming from airship to machine, turrets placed, bases covered. All signs point to conflict. Suddenly, you see a few troops in the distance coming towards you. You send out your tanks to wipe them out, when suddenly, a hulking robot comes from the sky and destroys them with a hail of gunfire. Welcome to the world of Carbon Games’ AirMech.
AirMechis an action-RTS in which you can quickly transform from jet to mech in order to battle your enemies, but all the while you are also trying to command your army to take over the enemies’ base. The mechanics feel almost like a cross between that of League of Legends and Starcraft; it is frantic, but also rewarding.

Your army plays a very important role in AirMech, and one of the first things you have to consider is how to build it. You are given eight slots to pick and choose what type of units you want to have in game, and with over 36 units, the possibilities are seemingly endless. This game uses the classic free-to-play model, so you can either play in game to earn credits for more units, or buy them using real money.
One of the most engaging aspects is that, as you progress through a game, you get to upgrade your airmech’s abilities, such as having a sword and shield while on the ground, or guided missiles while flying through the sky. Not every airmech is the classic jet; you can choose to pilot a bomber for strong attack, a helicopter for a defensive edge, or even a flying saucer for a quick and speedy retreat. Each pilot also adds their own bonuses for your army, such as a faster recharge rate or even a lowered cost of units. Finding which airmech and pilot combinations suits you is addicting, each offering a different way to play the game and conquer your enemy.

There are six unique game modes, each of  which will put your skills to the test. There are classic RTS modes such as PvP, Coop, and Capture the Flag, but the mode that caught my eye is called “Survival,” where you and three others have to survive against nine waves of enemy units that are pouring into the center of the map, trying to take your base. This makes for a hectic and exciting combination of cooperative play, unit management, and plain old luck.

AirMechis currently in closed beta on Steam, but is available to download for free on Carbon’s website and is also available off of Google Chrome’s Web Store.
The action RTS genre is going to have to make way once AirMech hits. With its unique use of strategy, customization, and all out robotic warfare, it has taken the formula and flipped it on its head. So, prepare your armies and man your mechs, the battle has just begun!